Undertaking legal and compliance audits ensures that an independent third party is giving the insight to ensure that an organization is always operating within the bounds of the law and industry regulations.

Success Equation

Attention To Detail + Expertise In Legal Audits = Insightful And Extensive Due Diligence Report

Choose MMW to undertake your legal audits.

A legal audit systematically examines a company’s compliance with laws and regulations. It involves an in-depth review of the company’s policies, procedures, and internal controls to ensure they comply with relevant laws and regulations. This includes labour law, health and safety regulations, and environmental laws.

A compliance audit, on the other hand, is a review of a company’s adherence to internal policies and procedures and external regulations. This includes areas such as anti-corruption, data privacy, and financial reporting.

We have extensive expertise in identifying any possible legal or regulatory issues your organisation might encounter. We provide practical and actionable recommendations to address these risks and ensure continued compliance.


  • Reviewing of company policies and procedures
  • Analysing of internal controls
  • Identifying potential legal and regulatory risks
  • Recommending approaches for addressing identified risks
  • Assisting with implementing recommended changes
  • Ongoing support and monitoring of compliance

Let’s Discuss Your Case in Detail and Find the Best Legal Solution Together.